
Monday, February 21, 2011

iPods and Google Forms -- What Works Best?

This past week, I created two forms on Google Docs for my students to work through in math class. This first form I created dealt with solving integers. This form included 5 pages, the first page required students to input their names, homeroom teachers, and iPod number. A page break in the form requires you to complete and answer all questions before moving on to the next section. The following four pages reviewed adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing integers with several problems on each page. They first attempted to complete the form using iPods. The majority of my students found it difficult to complete the form due to the amount of scrolling they had to do. They became frustrated and most did not complete the assignment. The following day, I had them complete the form again but this time in the computer lab. Here they were successful in completing the assignment and maneuvering was much easier due to the larger screen.

The second form I created was a review of algebra properties. This time I put a page break after every question. This made the page easier to see, and little to no scrolling was required. Students were once again given iPods to complete this assignment. Students commented on the ease of the form and preferred it over the previously lesson.

What I learned with my students is that if you are going to use a Google Doc form on the iPod then it is important to insert a page break between every question. If you are planning to use the form on a computer or iPad then having several problems on a page is more acceptable.

How are you using Google forms?


  1. Thanks for the information. Great tip to know!

  2. Nothing like trial and error! A lot of people will be happy for your advice and hard work when they read your blog. I know I learned something from this post. Thanks!
